
Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day


Today I honor my brother, who served with the Marine Corps in Iraq. He had a hard service. He was assigned to a reconnaissance mission, not to a base. He slept in tents; he ate MREs; he patrolled in towns; he helped rebuild schools. He befriended Iraqi children. And he lost his friends. War is ugly but I am blessed with a brother who has a beautiful soul and a deep devotion to those he loves. This is the kind of men and women serving our country today.

Today I honor my father, who was drafted into the Army, but volunteered for the Marines during the Vietnam War. He was in the infantry, a foot soldier. The stories he told me about the war were of the camaraderie of his buddies or funny things about the young villagers. He never spoke of the ugliness he saw. He didn’t expect to make it back. We’re all blessed that he did.


Today I honor by grandfather who served in World War II. He was in the Army and fought in the Battle of the Bulge, where he was wounded and awarded the purple heart. He was the hardest worker I ever knew. He could do anything with his hands. He loved his wife. He provided for his family. He held his grandchildren close. He was a great man and I miss him.


Today. Today, I lift up our men and women in service. Today, I grieve for the fallen. Today, I swell with pride that I come from a family whose fathers and sons and brothers have fought for our freedoms.

Today, I honor and today, I remember.  And tomorrow, I will too.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Banners and Pennants with Echo Park Paper

I was so excited when Echo Park Paper debuted last year and I get a thrill each time I see a peek at a new release. I’m giddy at the moment due to upcoming release of Country Drive. Eeeeee. While I wait, not so patiently, for its release, I made some layouts featuring banners with a few of my favorite EP collections.

My little boy is a bit obsessed with cars.  I'm told this is a stage boys and men never outgrow!  Echo Park's Little Boy collection seemed to be made just for me, or rather, just for my little boy. I especially loved the stickers sheet of trains, planes, boats and cars. So cute. I used Little Boy mixed with a bit of Wintertime for this page of my son absorbed in play. It’s called “At The Track.”

When EP came out with a line called, Playground, well, I couldn’t resist. I love that the EP lines include soft, lightly patterned papers on the flip side of their whimsical patterns. Here, I used the backside of “Capture The Flag” as the base of my page. I also added stickers and a journaling card from the Playground line. Under the main pic, I added a little border of Springtime and for my banner, I used one of EP’s debut lines, A Walk in the Park.

I love using banners. Oh, I hope this trend doesn't go out of style!  Banners and pennants give such a whimsy touch to boy pages.